Need to Know | Nuts-and-Bolts of The Toyota Deferred-Prosecution Agreement
From the Wall Street Journal‘s law blog (@WSJLaw and @jacobgershman), here is a good summary of the Highlights from Toyota’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement With Prosecutors. Note...
Confidentiality and Transparency in Deferred Prosecution Agreements
Here’s a note about.DOJ Transparency In Deferred Prosecution Agreements Professor Podgor argues: It is hard to believe that someone would have to file a lawsuit...
Deferred Prosecution Agreements and the Individual
The first SEC deferred-prosecution agreement for an individual raises a couple of issues. Here is the document itself: SEC DPA With Herckis First, a reminder. A...
Deferred Prosecutions and Decisions Not To Indict
Two recent articles in @Dealbook are worth noting because of their discussion of what goes into two very important parts of the American enforcement system:...
Defense Crazy, Cocktail Onions, Joy Division
Can a corporation plead insanity? Plus: homemade cocktail onions....
The Winter Olympics of Cooperation: The Bridge On The River Kwai, White-Collar Self-Image and Federal Sentencing
With all of the discussion about Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his “cooperators,” now is an appropriate time to revisit the basics of “cooperation” in...
Booze Beats Law: Subscribe to White Collar Wire
Please take a moment to subscribe to White Collar Wire’s email newsletter. You’ll get notice of articles before anyone else in the Western world. Just...
The Freedom of Little Joe Cartwright: Tax Crime, Edgar Allan Poe, Noir Film and Lacrosse
Notes for the week. Prosecuting Individuals Federal criminal tax lawyer Jack Townsend blogs at Federal Tax Crimes. Here is his note on Prosecuting Corporate Employees, particularly...
White-Collar Crime, DPAs and Repeat Business
The phenomenon of extending corporate deferred-prosecution agreements (or “DPAs”) continues, as here with medical device maker Biomet, and controversy inevitably ensues: Life was supposed to...
Crime, Cocktails, Fiction and Scripture: blogs, links and sources on white-collar crime, cocktails, crime fiction and theology
We have recently updated and supplemented our “Blogs | Links | Sources” page here. It might be the most useful page on the site, with multiple...