Gastronomista: “cocktails, punch bowls and boozy babes”
The law can be dreary, so at White Collar Wire we follow cocktails, as well. For weekend viewing and sipping, we point you to Gastronomista, which...
Why White-Collar Defense Ain’t Ukraine: The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Edmund Burke
White Collar Wire is now listed on the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (“NACDL”) website under White Collar On The Web. The White Collar...
Criminals In Ties: Contract Law and Reservoir Dogs
The interplay between law — especially criminal law — and theology is more subterranean and nuanced than many give it credit for. The same is...
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and the Cocktails That Go With It
We avoid sentimentality, but the culture is awash in it on Valentine’s Day. This “holiday” is not traditionally associated with business crime, but we will...
The Super Bowl, Jamie Casino and the Rights and Wrongs of White-Collar Defense
As a football game, the Super Bowl was dreadful, at least in terms of entertainment value. As a cultural petri dish, its television advertisements (and...
Conservatives and Mandatory Minimum Federal Sentences
From Professor Berman’s “Sentencing Law and Policy Blog,” why conservatives should support the effort to reform mandatory minimums in non-violent federal sentences: the Heritage Foundation...