Read Our White Collar Magazine on Flipboard. Seriously.
This weekend, flip through White Collar magazine (by Jack Sharman) and follow it for white-collar news and notes. If you don’t use Flipboard, it is very...
White Collar Wire Now on Facebook and Tumblr
With some trepidation, we finally took the plunge and established a White Collar Wire page on Facebook. Please go over there and “like” it, “friend”...
When Your Lawyer Dimes You In A Wireless World: Undercover Techniques and White-Collar Investigations
It has become commonplace to note the ascendancy in white-collar investigations of techniques previously reserved for investigations of organized crime and violent, life-and-death offenses. Three...
Crime, Cocktails, Fiction and Scripture: blogs, links and sources on white-collar crime, cocktails, crime fiction and theology
We have recently updated and supplemented our “Blogs | Links | Sources” page here. It might be the most useful page on the site, with multiple...