Weekend: cocktails, World War I, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and Marvin Gaye
For this weekend: cocktails, World War I, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and Marvin Gaye. From Saveur, warm-weather whiskey cocktails. Some of the drinks sound good. All of...
Liz and Literacy
This note is not about white-collar crime. It’s something much better. The story of my colleague, Liz Huntley: ...
Would You Buy A Subpoena Response From This Man?
Always pay attention when the Department of Justice becomes enthusiastic about a long-neglected statute. (The federal False Claims Act was dormant for almost a century). ...
Dear Colleagues All: University Discipline, Sexual Assault and The Department of Education
Title IX. Crime. Sexual assault. University disciplinary procedures. Civil litigation. Enormous amounts of money. The Fifth Amendment. And that’s all before you hire a lawyer....
The Government Agent’s Interview
In a 140-second window, notes about what to do when a government agent asks for an interview. “Government Agents,” a Lightfoot140 by Jack Sharman. from...
Representing Witnesses Before The Grand Jury
For businesses and their officers, directors and employees, the grand jury is an increasingly visible complement to the threat of civil litigation and administrative sanction. ...
Okay, So It’s A Lurid Book Cover: Summer Weekend Cocktails, Dylan Thomas on YouTube, Good Writing and Great Music
Our notes for Friday, beginning with cocktails; moving through literature; ending with music. Brown Whisky Is Not Just For Winter. From the New York Times,...