Crime, Cocktails, Fiction and Scripture: blogs, links and sources on white-collar crime, cocktails, crime fiction and theology
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We have recently updated and supplemented our “Blogs | Links | Sources” page here. It might be the most useful page on the site, with multiple links to writers and journalists dealing with White Collar Wire’s primary afflictions: white collar crime, cocktails, crime fiction and theology.
White Collar Generally
Walt Pavlo — excellent source of daily news and commentary. Also, see his articles in Forbes.
PonziTracker — by Jordan Maglich. The source for all things Ponzi.
DealBook — New York Times blog led by Andrew Ross Sorkin.
White Collar Crime Prof Blog — thoughtful source edited by Ellen Podgor, with contributions by Solomon Wisenberg.
White Collar Watch — by Peter J. Henning, a professor at Wayne State University Law School and the author of “The Prosecution and Defense of Public Corruption: The Law & Legal Strategies.” Before teaching, he worked at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement division and then as a prosecutor at the Justice Department.
FCPA Professor — all FCPA, all the time. Blogged by Mike Koehler, a law professor at Southern Illinois University.
WSJ Risk and Compliance — the compliance blog of the Wall Street Journal. It “provides news and commentary to corporate executives and others who need to understand, monitor and control the many risks that can tarnish brands, distract management and harm investors. Its content spans governance, risk and compliance and includes analysis of the significance of laws and regulations, the risks inherent in global expansion and the protective moves taken by companies.”
Sentencing Law & Policy — a blog devoted entirely to sentencing issues from Douglas A. Berman, a law professor at Moritz (Ohio State).
Cyb3rcrim3 — notes on digital-crime cases by Susan Brenner, a law professor who speaks, writes and consults on cybercrime and cyberconflict.
The BLT — the blog of The Legal Times (Washington, D.C.). Not a white-collar blog, strictly speaking, but often has news items of note.
Brandon L. Garrett and Jon Ashley, Federal Organizational Prosecution Agreements, University of Virginia School of Law, at — interesting collection of deferred-prosecution and non-prosecution agreements (“DPAs” and “NPAs”)
ABA White-Collar Blog Directory — the American Bar Association Journal “Blawg” list of white-collar crime blogs. Some are better than others.
NACDL White-Collar Crime — the white-collar page of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Useful resources.
University of Richmond Anti-Bribery Database — good resources for researching various legal topics relating to anti-bribery law in international business.
William & Mary Law School Library White-Collar Materials — some items are only available at the Wolf Law Library, but generally a good guide.
DOJ — the United States Department of Justice main site.
U.S. Attorneys’ Manual — searchable DOJ policy.
United States Sentencing Commission — good resource for Guidelines applications, cases, news and proposed rules.
Supreme Court — search for slip opinions.
FINCEN — the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the Department of the Treasury.
Environmental Crimes Section at DOJ — federal environmental criminal investigation and enforcement.
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts — especially useful for statistics and the basics of the federal judicial system.
DEA — the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
ICE — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is “the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Created in 2003 through a merger of the investigative and interior enforcement elements of the U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, ICE now has more than 20,000 employees in offices in all 50 states and 47 foreign countries.”
SEC and DOJ Resource Guide on the FCPA — guidance document on the FCPA issued by DOJ and the SEC.
SEC — the federal Securities and Exchange Commission.
SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower — the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower, which administers the SEC’s whistleblowers’s program.
Eleventh Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions Builder — an on-line program that allows you to easily and quickly generate federal court jury instructions. Easy to use, and very handy.
Fifth Circuit Library’s Collection of Pattern Jury Instructions — pattern instructions for the Fifth Circuit and other federal circuits. No online “builder” function, but some are downloadable in Word or pdf.
Federal Public Defender Northern District of Alabama — the Office of the Federal Public Defender for the Northern District of Alabama, headed by Kevin Butler.
gazregan — the website of “gaz regan, the bartender formerly known as Gary Regan, works six shifts at The Dead Rabbit in New York City. Every year.” Cocktail recipes, newsletters and books. Bartending news.
Daily Shot — The Garden & Gun Blog — from Garden & Gun magazine. Southern food, but often drinks, too.
Gastronomista — Gastronomista is an art and design blog focused on the culture of food and drink, and was founded in October of 2009 as a way to keep track of delicious treasures, tipples, and trips around the world. It is run by Emily Arden Wells who pens under the name Miss Emma Emerson, who is an architect by day, writer and avid drinker by night.
Mouthing Off — the cocktails-blog of Food & Wine magazine.
Cocktail Whisperer — “Cocktail and food musing from Rum judge Warren Bobrow.” He is the cocktail writer for Foodista.
Epicurious Drinks — cocktails from Epicurious. Also, Epicurious cocktail Recipes
Esquire Drinks Database — a collection of cocktail recipes from Esquire magazine.
The Poisoned Martini — a blog and site that combines mystery fiction and cocktails.
Bourbon Blog — mostly bourbon.
Slainte — all Irish whiskey.
Beer Advocate — its motto is “Respect Beer.” — from Huffington Post. Name says it all.
Crime Fiction
The Rap Sheet — rich source of news, book reviews, new releases, trade show information and sources.
The Poisoned Pen — blog of The Poisoned Pen, an excellent mystery bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The Mysterious Bookshop — blog from The Mysterious Bookshop, a longstanding store in New York.
Dead Good — a Random House-run site from the United Kingdom.
Crime Fiction Lover — news and reviews.
Killer Covers — outstanding vintage covers from crime novels. Killer Covers is a companion project of The Rap Sheet, a news and features resource for crime-fiction fans, edited by J. Kingston Pierce.
Dead Guys In Suits — all gangsters, all the time. Written by Pat Downey, the author of Legs Diamond: Gangster, Gangster City: The History of the New York Underworld 1900-1935 and Bad Seeds in the Big Apple: Bandits, Killers & Chaos in New York 1920-1940.
Existential Ennui —- a UK site. “The chronicle of a chronic book collector.”
Cathedral Church of the Advent —- “a Gospel-centered church, with a ‘living, daring confidence in God’s grace”’(Martin Luther) evident in any of our programs and ministries. Holding to what the Letter of Jude calls ‘the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’, this Gospel focus finds the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus ever and only at the center.
Advent BIAY — the Advent’s Bible-In-A-Year blog.
Mockingbird — “connecting the Christian faith with the realities of everyday life.”
Titus One Nine — edited by Kendall Harmon.
Truth For Life — the blog of Alistair Begg’s ministry.
My Utmost For His Highest — daily readings from Oswald Chambers (1874-1917). Here’s his bio.
Christ Episcopal Church — in Charlottesville, Virginia.