Tag: Sentencing

White-Collar Motive, Gun Crazy Movie

In 1950, producers Frank and Maurice King released Gun Crazy, a sometimes surreal Bonnie-and-Clyde story with an introverted, pacifist gun lover (Barton Tare, played by John Dall)...

Conservatives and Mandatory Minimum Federal Sentences

From Professor Berman’s “Sentencing Law and Policy Blog,” why conservatives should support the effort to reform mandatory minimums in non-violent federal sentences: the Heritage Foundation...

Take The Deal or Go To Trial? Exactly.

The awful pressure to plead guilty, brought on by the significantly enhanced sentences that the Government often seeks where a defendant asserts his right to...

Why’d He Do It?

Here’s a note from Professor Ellen Podgor about an article on Sentencing the Why of White Collar Crime by Todd Haugh (Illinois Institute of Technology...

Alabama’s New Sentencing Guidelines

A good summary from Sentencing Law and Policy Blog about Alabama’s new sentencing guidelines: I find it so very telling that when states create sentencing...