White Collar Wire Now on Facebook and Tumblr

Mr. Zuckerberg now relieved to have direct access to White Collar Wire.
Mr. Zuckerberg is now relieved to have direct access to White Collar Wire.


With some trepidation, we finally took the plunge and established a White Collar Wire page on Facebook.

Please go over there and “like” it, “friend” it and otherwise approve us.  I promise it will contain no vacation photos, nor my childrens’ witticisms nor Vine renditions of athletic events.




Can I buy a second vowel?
Can I buy a second vowel?



Even better, visually, is that White Collar Wire is now on Tumblr as well.






Finally, for sound business-crime weekend reading on either platform, you cannot do better than Smash Detective-Cases:

Principles of corporate criminal liability.
Principles of corporate criminal liability.