Why White-Collar Defense Ain’t Ukraine: The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Edmund Burke
Reading Time: 2 minutes.
White Collar Wire is now listed on the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (“NACDL”) website under White Collar On The Web. The White Collar Crime Policy Department of NACDL does excellent work:
NACDL’s White Collar Crime Policy Department is on the front lines right now combating new and unnecessary criminal legislation and pushing for meaningful criminal justice reform. Our advocacy focuses primarily on the problems of overcriminalization, vicarious corporate criminal liability, and disproportionate and insufficiently flexible sentencing, among others. In support of this effort, NACDL serves as a leader in a politically diverse coalition of bar, non-profit and business groups who advocate for a sound and just criminal justice system.
Developing resources and education opportunities for the white collar criminal defense bar is also a top priority. Through cutting edge white collar CLE programs, an active white collar crime discussion community, and service on the white collar defense committee, we bring together the best-informed criminal defense attorneys to share information and strategy. Exclusive for NACDL Members, we maintain a briefs and motions bank dealing specifically with white collar crime and recently developed a filings bank devoted to post-Skilling honest services fraud cases. The department frequently conducts and publishes cutting-edge policy analysis on emerging issues in white collar enforcement.
Citizens of every political persuasion have a compelling interest in sound white-collar policy.
(We have written, for example, on why conservatives should support the effort to reform mandatory minimums in non-violent federal sentences). NACDL has a variety of white-collar initiatives, including:
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
- Lacey Act Reform
- Honest Services & Public Corruption
- Willful Blindness
- Resources on the Dodd-Frank Act
- Prosecutorial Misconduct
- Decline of the Attorney-Client Privilege
- Grand Jury Reform
- Discovery Reform
- Advocacy Letters & Testimony
- White Collar Amicus Briefs