Thanksgiving Sounds, Reflective Letters, and the Boom of a French 75
Thanksgiving Sounds, Reflective Letters, and the Boom of a French 75...
Crisp Suits, Controversial Martinis, New Music
Suits. Drinks. Sounds....
Devil Drink, Monkees Suit, Crime Fiction
Monkees, booze, FBI....
Three-Martini Interrogation
Martini interrogation....
Internal Investigations: Cocktails, Coronavirus, Capability Brown
Internal investigations and Capability Brown....
Gin Van, Joan Collins and Rare Earth
Friday is upon us, so a few notes about cocktails. The cocktail snob is suffering a (deserved) backlash, as Robert O. Simonson of the New York...
Summer Crime, “Young Lawyers,” Martinis
Summer’s heat is fully upon us. Let us take a moment for crime fiction and cocktails. For recent crime-fiction releases, take a look at Midmonth...
Vermouth, Bitters and Black Coffee
In speaking of the martini, Winston Churchill supposedly observed “I would like to observe the vermouth from across the room while I drink my martini.” ...
Red Harvest: Crime Fiction and Gospel Conviction
Pop culture and theology mix fruitfully in pulp-crime fiction. Here’s a four-part course from 2012: Red Harvest: Crime Fiction and Gospel Conviction . Here’s the blurb...
Weekend: GCs on Boards and Gin in Ice
Notes For the Weekend: I tend to agree: No, General Counsels Should Not Be On The Board. The conflicts can be too great. GCs...