“Fantastic Lies” and Corporate Criminal Prosecution
When the past is dug up in documentaries (or docudramas), events are often sensationalized. This practice is of long pedigree: Shakespeare was not above amping...
The Freedom of Little Joe Cartwright: Tax Crime, Edgar Allan Poe, Noir Film and Lacrosse
Notes for the week. Prosecuting Individuals Federal criminal tax lawyer Jack Townsend blogs at Federal Tax Crimes. Here is his note on Prosecuting Corporate Employees, particularly...
Title IX, University Discipline, Sexual Assault and Parallel Proceedings
A short — 140 seconds — note on the thickets of Title IX, sexual assault, university discipline and parallel procedures: University Discipline, Sexual Assault and...
Dear Colleagues All: University Discipline, Sexual Assault and The Department of Education
Title IX. Crime. Sexual assault. University disciplinary procedures. Civil litigation. Enormous amounts of money. The Fifth Amendment. And that’s all before you hire a lawyer....
Dude, That’s My Lighter: Lacrosse, Suspensions, the Fourth Amendment and the White-Collar Thanatos of Zero Tolerance
The relationship between lacrosse and white-collar crime is not obvious, although for much of its 20th century history the sport was powered by mid-Atlantic and...