ABA White-Collar Crime Committee Winter/Spring 2014 Newsletter
Here’s the ABA White-Collar Crime Committee Winter Spring 2014 Newsletter. Good articles on: INTERNATIONAL WHITE COLLAR CRIME AND DEFERRED PROSECUTION AGREEMENTS CORPORATE...
The Martoma Trial and Character Evidence in White-Collar Trials
In the trial of former SAC hedge fund manager Mathew Martoma, the dispute over getting kicked out of Harvard Law School is worth noting for...
It’s Only A Fine
One would expect fines In civil and criminal enforcement actions to bear some relationship to both the offensive conduct and the statute that authroizes the...
From our friends at the White Collar Crime Prof Blog
Quick collection of white-collar news from the White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Mark Hamblett & Sara Randazzo, The AmLaw Daily, Ex-Kirkland Partner Sentenced to One...
The SEC, Judicial Skepticism and Salinas
Here’s my handout on these topics: FINRA CLE SuperCourse – September 2013 Speaking on Friday in New York: Network of Trial Law Firms...
SEC Game-Time Program
Can’t tell the players without a program. This is a handy graphic guide (via @WSJ) to the persons, entities, events and outcomes in SEC enforcement...