White Collar Wire: Now On The ABA Blawg Directory
Reading Time: 2 minutes.
We’re very happy to now be part of the American Bar Association Journal’s Blawg Directory.
Here’s the ABA post:
White Collar Wire
“Don’t read us because you’re a criminal. Read us because, some time or other, someone may think you are. This is a blog about business crime. We post stories about news, cases, judicial opinions, practical tips and scholarly work regarding white-collar criminal and civil enforcement, grand jury investigations and regulatory compliance We want to be useful to businesspeople, internal counsel, defense lawyers in private practice, prosecutors and law-school teachers. Sometimes, we write about crime fiction, cocktails and theology. As anyone who’s ever been involved in the defense or prosecution of a white-collar case can testify, all three come in handy.”Author: Jack Sharman is a partner at Lightfoot, Franklin & White in Birmingham, Ala.
Blawg Related Categories:Criminal Justice • White Collar Crime • Partner